You know what's super discouraging?
When you’ve invested time and energy into developing and designing your shiny new website, your content is top-notch, your site structure and keywords are clear, but you’re noticing one minor detail — you aren’t seeing results. No one is clicking on your “contact us” button ... what gives?! In this week’s copywriting series we’re talking about your call to action (CTA). What works, what doesn’t and how to revise your current one to start seeing results.
To be completely honest, writing a CTA that compels your audience to take action isn’t an easy feat. I know because I've experienced it first hand. Today, I'm giving you five reasons why your CTA probably isn’t working.
1. Zero Sense of Urgency
If you take only one thing away from this article, it’s this: one of the main reasons why more landing pages don’t convert potential clients into leads is that the CTA has zero sense of urgency. You need to stoke curiosity among your readers. Some examples I’ve found to be effective include language such as: “purchase it now - receive your X” “send a package now” “sign up today for a 50% discount.” All of these CTAs encourage the potential client to do something that makes them feel like they’re immediately benefiting from their decision to sign up and take action.
2. No Freebies
Urgency and curiosity are usually evoked via free offerings. In this day and age, we’re conditioned to expect instant gratification. We like being rewarded immediately even if it’s for something small and it’s even better when it’s free. In the past, some of my clients have offered complimentary resources to their clients on their websites. A white paper, an e-book, or other portal resources will help build trust with your client and give them a taste of what you’re all about. Some language for CTAs include “join free for a month” or “schedule a complimentary meeting.”
3. Distractions
You have a few seconds to convince potential clients to contact you. Do you want them to look at a quote from your favorite book or to connect with your mission statement? Distractions consume valuable time, increase bounce rates and take away from your primary brand messages. Keep your messaging clear, decide on one CTA and keep things streamlined.
4. Putting The Client Second
Think about who your clients are. What issues are they experiencing and are most interested in solving? Are they looking to join your yoga studio to dive into their spiritual side? Are they signing up for your nutrition program to loose a few pounds for their wedding? Identify their problem and show them that you understand their needs right off the bat. Instead of a “Contact Us” CTA, try out a “Yes, I’d like to receive a free yoga class.”
5. Placement
Traditionally, many blogs and websites have CTAs at the bottom of each page. However, research has shown that most readers only get 60% of the way through an site. Thus, having your CTA mid-blog post or mid-website is a great tactic for catching readers before they bounce off the page. Try different techniques and see what works for you and your clients.
Like everything, finding a CTA that works takes time. It’s only by testing variations of messages that you can be sure of what works. So next time you’re getting discouraged, try mixing up your CTA with some of these ideas. Send me a message if you want more ideas or to let me know what works for you!